Saturday, February 29, 2020

Leap Day.....

February is finally over... it's been a rough start to the year, and frankly I'm ready for a reboot.  This afternoon I'll be launching a special announcement on my podcast about the future of The Duchess of Sassy Town. Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere, just working and creating a better creative experience for my readers and listeners. I posted yesterday about holding back because of fear... Elizabeth Gilbert wrote about it so eloquently in her book Big Magic. Her words of encouragement in this book have really helped me push through the rough patch I've been in, and through a lot of other fears. What did I write? I feel like what I've been putting out isn't good enough, isn't hitting the audience I have been courting. That I was still that invisible thirteen year old geek that used to be bullied for wearing second hand clothes and jeans from KMart.  
So what a better day to start the reboot of my brand... than the odd day of the year. My mantra is 'Be you, not them'. I'm still the big geek, I'm still the non-conformist, and in the words of Frank Sinatra I will do it 'my way'... only because that's the only way I know. Don't get me wrong, I do play well with others, but I still not change my story to make other people comfortable. I will be honest, but kind. I will encourage you to be you, and to love the stuff that makes you who you are.

Where the magic happens

In this reboot, I am stepping out of my comfort zone and will be re-launching my YouTube Channel with a plethora of easy to do crafty videos.... so stay tuned, along with more in depth blog posts and a podcast full of crafty and self care goodness every other week..... and on that note it's after one in the morning and I need to rest. So sleep sweet and see you in the morning!

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